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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Tamron v Sigma

I am planning to purchase a tele-zoom lense > 400mm for my Nikon. I am thinking of

Sigma 170-500mm F5-6.3 APO Aspherical AutoFocus Telephoto Zoom Lens


Tamron AF200-400mm F/5.6 lense

Can you please help me undersatnd as to what would be better (apart from price).

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February 14, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  In the past reviews of Sigma tele-zoom lens I had read the common complaint was a "noise" made when the lens was being auto-focused. Tamron zoom lens are on the other hand, very sharp, light ( consider the xr series), and very impressive performance. I suggest you buy at a fine shop --Broadway Photo where they have the Tamron 200-400mm/5.6 LD IF (AF). Website: or call their customer service: 718-338-3028 or e-mail

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February 19, 2004


Christopher D. Barry
  I have a Sigma 170mm to 500mm lens. I have never had any problems with noise scaring away any of my subjects. I also have a Tamron 75mm to 300mm lens Which to has never scared away any of my subjects. I also put them both on my Minolta Maxxum 7 and can tell you that the tamron was a LITTLE bit quiter. The differnce between the two in noise should not make your choice in which one you buy!!!! They are both great lens!!

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February 27, 2004


Robert Bridges
  Have no clue about the noise factors. All I can say is that given the choice I would go with Tamron for two simple reasons: 1) quality of lens and machining of the lens and 2) price.

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March 01, 2004

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