BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

lens adapters


I have just purchased a Canon digital SLR. This is my first digicam; I've been a traditional photog for about 10 years. I have an extensive manual-focus system which includes some long fast glass. I can purchase an adapter to mount my MF lenses on the Canon digicam, but how do I focus and what functions would I lose?

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February 05, 2004


Jon Close
  See for more extensive info than I can reply with.

Original Canon FD/EF adaptors are pretty rare. They were limited to use with an exclusive list of lenses. B&H has a "general brand" adaptor, but it is listed as backordered.

The EF mount has 100% electronic communication with the lens, where the FD lenses were 100% mechanical. You obviously can only focus manually the best you can with the EOS viewfinder (no split image rangefinder focus aid). You lose evaluative metering, though most EOS cameras are capable of stop-down metering (I don't know about the digitals).

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February 05, 2004

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