BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Julie Walker

Inexpensive but Portable Lighting

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how useful the "floodlights" from Wal-Mart would be for beginning portrait photography out of my home? And possibly for some minor location shooting as well....Thanks in advance for any and all responses!

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February 04, 2004


Gary L. Hammond
  Julie, I also like the ability to save money when it comes to lighting equipment. However, there are problems with using "floodlights" for portrait photography. First, the color balance is off for use with color films. Your photos will be way too yellow/orange. Most films today are balanced for daylight or electronic flash which is more blue on the spectrum of the Kelvin scale. Secondly, the light is very harsh and you will be very disappointed with the harsh shadows and squinting that will result. By glancing in any photography magazine you will find fairly inexpensive electronic flash lighting that will be much more satisfactory for portraits. Hot lights are also available that are the correct color temperature but the drawback is the heat and glare they produce, they are much more useful for video work. They can with diffusion such as light panels and umbrellas create softer window like light. Still, electronic flash with modeling lights are available well under 200.00 for a couple lights of low power for small portraits of one of two individuals. Shutterbug magazine, on the newstand at most Walmarts also has many ads for lighting equipment. Consider the Britek line for its low cost with proportional modeling lights, which means they dim as you change the power of the flashes output. And lastly, read all you can on all the varieties of equip. For a dazzling display of information check out Best of luck, Gary

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February 05, 2004


Julie Walker
  Thanks for the help Gary! I "discovered" this morning! Great site!!

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February 05, 2004

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