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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What kind of camera should I buy

I would like to take action shots at my daughter's basketball games. I do not want to use flash as it is distracting. My funds are limited. What would be my best choice in film-based cameras?

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February 03, 2004


  Most entry level camera will do the job. You just need a fast lens (preferrably maximum aperture of 2 or better, which costs a few times more than the entry level camera) and high speed film (800, 1600 or even 3200 speed). Unless you have to have those action shot taken during a game, you can take photos of her with the flash before or after the game. Just a thought. Hope this helps.

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February 03, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  It would be wise first to ask---do I need a manual camera for this occasion? ( Nikon FM3A, FM2N with shutter speeds of 1/4000 or higher are recommended) or an auto-focus camera? ( Nikon N75,N65 or N55) - all these entry-level great cameras have a "sports" mode -an icon that is indicated in the Vari-program mode( i.e. portrait,night scenes,macro or close-up and AUTO ). Use ISO 800 like Kodak Portra, Konica Centuria etc.Buy your SLR camera in good shops like SMILE PHOTO, A & M Photo World or Broadway Photo for real deals!

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February 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Nobody's going to be shooting 1/4000th at a basketball game.
Flash isn't distracting. I've played and taken pictures of it. But if you don't want to use flash, the camera isn't the main thing to look at. You need a lens with max. aperture of 2.8 or 2. And you're price range is a straight telephoto, not a zoom f/2.8. So one of the plenty medium priced entry level camera bodies will be fine. You'd need something like a 135mm f/2.8 lens and film at least 1000.

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February 08, 2004

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