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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 


canon eos rebel TII slr

i am taking my first photography class, but have been around cameras my whole life. I would like to start out with a very nice and advance camera. I was looking at the best buy selection and I singled out the canon rebel TII. at first I chose it cause it was the most expensive and thought it was the best, and then I started to like it. any pointers. I had a friend who is a profesional photographer and she told me to get a rebel, I like the TII, but im not sure if the TII is the right rebel for me. any suggestions.

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July 22, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  First of all, what you will hear is that you probably shouldn't go out looking for the most expensive. I guess if you were looking for something more expensive, you could go to a camera shop and look at the Canon Elan series. They're really good and probably better than the Rebels. Not that the rebels are bad, I have a Rebel GII that I've very happy with. I'm sure you would be very satisfied with the TII though. Afterall, the camera is just something to keep light away from the film until the moment of exposure and the lens itself is what controls the light. I would think buying a better lens would give you more bang for your buck than just buying a more expensive camera.

Hope this helps!

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July 22, 2005


  thanks. is the G2 better or worse. and by looking for the most expensice I dosnt mean im going to spend 2000 on a camera. my max price is around 320. what does the elan have that the TII doesnt have, how much more is the elan, and is the price difference worth it. sorry for so many questions, but im pretty much clueless with cameras. price isnt that big of an issue cause I buy almost everthing of ebay so I save a few hundred. I just saved 300 on a camcorder of ebay so I can get some really good deals. would you suggest geeting a digital instead of film. I already have a little point and shoot digital but should I get an slr digital? thanks for all your help andrew

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July 24, 2005


  I have responded to a similar question here about the T2 and Elan 7:

Hope this helps.

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July 24, 2005

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