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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Jessica M. Wakefield

Teleconverter Lenses

I have a Nikon N65 with a 70-300mm lens. I'm thinking of buying a 2x teleconverter for it. Any suggestions? Does it affect the picture quality? Any information about this would be helpful. Thanks.

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July 02, 2005


Samuel Smith
  hey jessica,
with a 2x converter you'll lose two stops,as long as you have plenty of light no problem.i have one for my 70-300,tamron,and I like it.given the price of a 600mm lense.
downside,you'll lose a little picture quality,and even on a tripod camera shake can be a problem.also you can't use auto.
hth sam

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July 02, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Sam hit on all of the down-sides of using tele's, but they do help to stretch your reach at a fraction of the cost of a comparable super-telephoto lens.

I've never used a tele-converter with a zoom lens but I regularly use a TC-201 (2x) with my prime Nikkors.
The loss in clarity will be minimal if you get a TC of the same brand as your lens and you use a tripod.

The issue of camera-shake can be minimized with a faster film,...or by using your timer or a remote device to trip the shutter of your tripod-mounted camera (if your subject isn't going anywhere).

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July 02, 2005


Jessica M. Wakefield
  Thanks guys. You have been a great help!

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July 02, 2005

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