BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Linda Buchanan

Sandwiching Slides

I have seen some really cool prints that were made from sandwiched slides. Is this something I can ask a lab to do for me or do I need to remount the slides myself? If so, HOW??? Thanks!

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May 31, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Most labs will not provide this service. A custom lab might. As an alternative, your lab could double expose the paper, printing one image on top of the other. The results will be similar.
To produce a sandwich, you need to remove both slides from their mounts, then remount them sandwiched in a single mount.
Michael H. Cothran

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June 01, 2005


Linda Buchanan
  Thank you. In order to do these mounts myself, what kind of equipment do I need. Has anyone tried this? Thanks.

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June 01, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I have seen slide mounts at the camera and equipment shop in my college town for sale. I don't think they were that expensive if I remember, but maybe you can give that a go? I have seen one of these before and they didn't mention anything about sandwiching them in a sigle mount. I'm not sure though, because I've never had experience in printing like this or mounting myself.

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June 02, 2005

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