BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Sandra Wortmann

what camera to buy

I am starting a photography studio and I would like to know what camera would be a good one to buy. Right now all I have is digital and I thought I should have a film camera for important shots? Sandy

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January 18, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  How do you plan to use the camera - for what type of shots? There is a multitude of good cameras on the market.

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January 18, 2005


Sandra Wortmann
  I use my digital to shoot sports photography. I was told that film based cameras are better to use when you are shooting portraits.

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January 18, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  If you want to shoot portraits, I ould suggest a medium format camera. You will be able to get better enlargements than you can from 35mm. There are many good medium format cameras to choose from - Pentax, Hasselblad, Mamiya, Contax, Fuji, Rollei, etc. Check all of them out and see which you like best. Rollei and Hasselblad are the Rolls Royce choices and are priced like it. I use a Pentax and I lke it. All of the above are good choices. It just is a matter of which you like and your budget. Realize that for portraits you won't need auto focus or auto exposure so you might want to check out the less expensive offerings of Mamiya. Also, check out a good, used Pentax 645. What you will need are studio lights, umbrellas or softboxes and a flash meter.

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January 18, 2005


Sandra Wortmann
  I already have all the lens I need and they are all canon lens. I shoot group and individual sports photos with my digital 1ds, they lens are all high end lens, so I what to be able to use this if I can.

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January 18, 2005


Victoria G.
  I have a Canon EOS 3, and I have been very pleased with it. It is considered an entry pro camera. You can get one for less than $800 now, I believe. Wherever you purchase one, make sure it is an USA Warrantied product.

I know a photog. that uses only 35mm for studio portraits and is very successful with it. It allows her more freedom with her clients. She has some pretty big enlargements (At least 16x20)and they are beautiful. Hope this helps.

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April 11, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  No photography shop owner should rely on a 35 mm SLR for studio shots. Follow Kerry's suggestions.

I love my EOS 3, but it ain't a studio camera!

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April 19, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I have a couple of 35mm cameras that I use a lot but I don't shoot weddings with them. I feel very comfortable getting an 11x14 enlargement from them and somewhat comfortable with a 16x20. Since most people never order photos larger than that why don't I use them for weddings? Because sometimes, once in a while, someone wants a 20x30 and I would have to turn them down. With my MF Pentax, I am happy to oblige.

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April 19, 2005

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