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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 


Affordable 15 mm Lens

I have a Nikon 6006 and was curious what brand aside from Nikkor which is out of my price range will produce good image quality, but at a more affordable price in a 15 mm lens. I currently have 3 Quantary lenses and am not too happy with the image sharpness they deliver.


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July 21, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  You can look at the usual tokina or tamron. Quantary is made by sigma, but what somee people say about the quality of some of the quantarays dosen't match with what some people say about sigma.
So who knows. I wouldn't think that sigma would make only some lenses for quantaray.
But like manufacturers make more affordable lens and make more expensive with higher quality glass, maybe sigma just makes lower level lenses just for quantaray.

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July 21, 2004

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