BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Jennifer Polk

Film/Negative Scanners

I'm at the early stages of shopping for film and negative scanner. Early stages meaning, I want one, but am still in the processing of saving.

I'm interested in Konica/Minolta's Dual Scan IV. Has anyone had any experience with that or the III? Or can anyone recommendation another brand?


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July 19, 2004


  See if this helps...

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July 19, 2004


doug Nelson
  Look at Minolta and Nikon. Can has, regrettably, gone out of the film scanner business. Look also at Pacific Imaging Electronics.

Just a general comment-scanning software is every scanner maker's weakness. Budget for either Silverfast or Ed Hamrick's VueScan (, if you will be scanning slides. Negatives a lot less demanding, but often require color cast correction. Use at least Adobe Elements 2 for your imaging software. It has a color cast correction that is said to work well.

Photoshop will let you work with the high color bit images these scanners are capable of producing.

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July 20, 2004


doug Nelson
  Sorry- Canon has gone out of producing film scanners. They had an excellent product. Go figure.

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July 20, 2004


Dave Hockman
  I scan a substantial amount of work on a dedicated scanner. I would suggest you checkout the Microtek artixscan4000TF. Great specs and in many comparison articles it out performed most all other scanners. I think the price has dropped to around 700.00 ( paid over 900.00) a year ago. Packaged with Genuine Fractals 2.5 and scanwizard pro tx. I use PS 7. Makes some odd noises, however, the scans are top quality, and I print larger fine art prints. Not super fast but I am after quality not speed.
Good luck. Happy shooting!
Dave H.

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July 22, 2004

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