BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Buying A New Camera

I have been using An Argus STL 1000 but it broke it a little while ago, I need to know what a good Manual 35mm camera would be good to buy for a 15 year old girl who has to pay for at least half of the price?

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July 17, 2004


Steve McCroskey
  Hi Arielle!
A Pentax ZX-M should be affordable for you,but remember the lens will be additional to the camera unless you it with the camera! You may want to check out the cameras from Minolta,Canon,and Nikon to see what is available!
If I could suggest an idea,consider buying an entry level auto focus SLR such as a Minolta Maxxum 4 or 5 so when your experience grows,your camera system can grow with you

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July 17, 2004

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