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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 


Canon T50 film camera

My co worker has the Canon T50 and needs a flash for her camera. The old one broke. Can anyone give her some suggestion on what to buy and how much they cost? Thanks for any help you can give us.

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July 14, 2004


Jon Close
  For full compatibility, look for used Canon -A, -G, and -T series speedlights, such as the 199A, 533G, or 299T. These will automatically set the shutter speed to the x-sync of 1/60, and also automatically set the aperture (aperture ring must be set to "A"). See for more information on these various old model speedlights.

The old 300TL, and Canon's current line of speedlights (-E, -EZ, -EX) are NOT compatible with the old manual focus models (except for the T-90). They are dedicated to the EOS line and use TTL metering not supported by the T-50.

There are several good inexpensive non-dedicated flashes available new, such as the Vivitar 2800 (~$35) or 283 ($70) and other makers (Achiever, Metz, Sunpak,...) that will work fine with the T-50. With these one has to manually set the aperture to match the setting on the flash (usually f/4 or f/5.6). When the aperture ring is moved off "A", the T-50 automatically sets the shutter speed to the flash sync of 1/60.

More information on the T-50 (including a downloadable manual) can be found at

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July 14, 2004


  Hi Jon, Thanks for the quick response. I passed the information on to my coworker and she sends you her thanks also.

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July 14, 2004

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