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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

olympus is-2 or canon rebel k2

You would help me out greatly if you can help me figure out if buying a canon rebel k2 would overpower my olympus is-2 that I already have. Im not sure if they have the same specifications or not and Im having trouble finding it out. So do you think I should buy the canon rebel k2.

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July 10, 2004


Jon Close
  What features are you looking for in a new camera that the IS-2 doesn't have?

The biggest difference between the two is the IS-2 has only the built-in 35-135 f/4.5-5.6 lens, so is less flexible than the wide range of lenses available for SLRs like the Rebel 2K. But that doesn't really matter if you're only going to buy/use the same kind of mid-range zoom with the SLR.

You cannot override the film's ISO with the IS-2, is that important to you? The IS-2 can shoot at 2.5 frames per second, where the Rebel 2K is limited to 1.5 fps. With regard to exposure modes, the IS-2 has full auto programs, aperture-priority and manual, like the Rebel 2K, but lacks shutter-priority. An important difference only if you want to shoot shutter-priority. You can get the exact same shutter/aperture combinations in aperture-priority and manual.

The IS-2 has only a built-in flash and no provision for an accessory flash like the Canon 2K. Like the lens issue, this is only important if you are actually going to buy and use an accessory flash instead of relying on the built-in.

If you don't have it, the owners manual for the IS-2 can be downloaded from This document includes the camera's specifications and features. These can be compared to information on the Rebel 2K, available at Canon's website.

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July 12, 2004


Jon Close
  D'oh. Kept writing Rebel 2K instead of K2.

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July 12, 2004

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