BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Which Camera

I'm Getting ready to buy my first camera for a photography class i'm taking this year, and i'm looking at many different brands w/my parents, trying to decide which would be best. I really like Canon, but my parents really want me to look at other brands. What do you think?

i've been looking at the Rebel G2 and Ti.

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July 06, 2004


  Since you are the one who is using the camera, you should get the one you are comfortable with. If possible, try to hold each camera you are interested in in your hand, feel it and see which one has a control layout you feel better with. Your parents may know which camera has a better built and have more features than the two Canons your mentioned that you may use in the future.

Although I am not familiar with the Rebel GII, I have a few Canon cameras from p&s, full manual and automatic and I have no problem at all. But I would recommend you stay away from the Rebel Ti. The Ti is an entry level camera which is quite fancy compare to the GII and K2. However, it's been a lot of problem reported. My friend bought a brand new Ti and brought with her on a trip. The shutter unit got totally messed up after only 4 rolls of film taken. All the shutter blades were bent badly.

To learn photography, you should have total control of your camera. Your camera should allow you to do manual focus and manual exposure. The depth-of-field preview, independent self-timer, external flash, remote shutter release (must have) and remote socket for external flash are a great help. Someone may suggest you to go get a used manual camera. You may get a camera with a few lenses quite cheap. For new manual camera, the Nikon FM10 with a kit lens comes to my mind. If you want a new, automatic camera, try to get the one that gives you all the manual overrides and the other features mentioned above.

Going back to the Canon line. The Ti has most of the features, but I would not recommend it because of the quality problem. Of the GII and K2, I like the GII better because it has the remote shutter control. If you can afford twice the price of the GII, get the Elan 7N. It is simply better than all the Rebels. For a starter lens, the EF 50mm f/1.8 II is sharp and very affordable.

Hope this helps.

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July 07, 2004

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