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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Tim S. Hales

Nikon F80

I am looking at purchasing a Nikon F80 and was wanting to find out what setup would be best to be purchased with this to get the most out of it. I was thinking of a Nikon body then 24mm Wide Angle, 50mm f1.8, 30-105mm, 80-300mm but are there any suggestions to what else I might want to look into? DO you think that the F80 is an appropriate camera for someone trying to learn but eventually wanting to produce competition standard pics, particularly in natural history and still life?
Sorry about the length of the question:)

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July 03, 2004


  The Nikon F80 is a fine camera. The on-demand grid line feature is especially neat. For lenses, you can get away with one 24-120mm and 70-300mm. The 50mm is needed only if you are in very low light situation and no flash and tripod are allowed. Another lens I would get is the 105mm f/2.8 MICRO if you like to shoot snall subjects real close. Then of course you need a remote shutter release, a flash (SB-50DX) and a tripod. Hope this helps.

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July 07, 2004


Tim S. Hales
  Thanks very much for your suggestions I went with the f70 and I am finding it to be a well performing camera, lenses are 35-70 af d, and 80-300 af d, I was thinking about getting the 105micro but what type of picture can I take lets say of something as small as a walnut full size or something the size of a tennis ball?

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July 08, 2004


If you are interested in landscape photography, you may find the 35-70 not wide enough. Of course you can always get a fixed focal length wide angle lens later.

An object of the size of 24x36mm can fill up the entire frame with the 105 macro lens because it has a 1:1 magnification ratio. Here are samples of a white orchid which is about 2x2 inch in real life:

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July 09, 2004


Steve McCroskey
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Steve McCroskey

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Steve McCroskey

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U.S.S.Alabama 5

Steve McCroskey

Hi Tim!
I use a Minolta Maxxum 5 with a 28-105mm and a 70-300mm lens. An optional 2x teleconverter is used when needed!

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July 21, 2004

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