BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Tom G. Martens


I have the option to buy a Durst AC 800 for $250 or a Rollei 6x7 cxl for $50 and I may have the option of an Omega Super Chromega Dichroic II D for $200. I am wondering if any of you could give me some advice. Looking on the internet it seems that the Durst is a nice enlarger, but is computerized and definately more technical than enlargers that I have used.

A shop is closing near me and I am wondering if these are good deals or rip offs. This would be my first enlarger but I want to pursue my own enlarging further with eventual Medium format. If you think I should not buy any of these and know of a better deal please let me know. Sorry so long. Tom

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June 19, 2004

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