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Photography Question 

Julie L. Curiel

Need to learn Photoshop CS

I recently purchased Photoshop CS, previously all I had was Elements. I want to learn well all that Photoshop CS is capable of doing but am unsure of how to go about doing this. An online class is out of the question right now, and I don't learn well from books unless someone has a really good suggestion. Has anyone out there used Total Training's DVD/CD's to learn photoshop? I've watched some teaser videos and they seem to be very helpful. I was hoping to get some feedback from someone who has used this in the past before I plunge in and buy the whole set. If anyone has any other suggestions, please comment. I am eager to learn the most I can. Thanks!

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January 18, 2004


Davin Edridge
  Hello All,
I have viewed different training videos to the ones mentioned - and they can be quite helpful - agreed it is alot better then reading a book. You can usually find a quick quicktime video on the net somewhere to help you with any specific problems you are trying to master:
Photoshop in almost any of its incarnations seems to be a life time to master.
My advice would be to concentrate on the area's you need and want to use in photoshop - for your post production.
It would be pointless, in my opinion, to learn every in and out of photoshop - to edit your photos (unless you want to teach photoshop of course).
Guess that is why there are so many books out there on the subject.
There is almost unlimited resource on the internet into everything photoshop - when you come to a problem - research is a good search engine.
I have also found that after watching the videos - If I do not sit at the computer straight away and start practising what I viewed - I would forget it.
Trial and error is the way I learn most things. Just work on copies not originals!!! That way if you make a mistake - you can start again - with another copy.

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January 18, 2004


Mary McAllister
You could try
There are a few assorted tutorials in quick time format. Look in the Techtv tutorials section.

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June 15, 2004

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