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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Nick Milton

weddings layout

Just wondering reading all these great questions,is there a set layout for weddings,ie:how many shots of each section,bride,bride&groom,family etc it normal to start at the arrival,or before,and where do you finish,the evening disco,or the car leaving church??IS THERE A RESOURCE ON NET I CAN PRINT OFF???


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January 15, 2004


Thea Menagh
  Hi, Nick ... Sounds like you're starting with some wedding photography! Best hint ... ask what your couple wants! You can check my website at (Photo Packages - Wedding page) for an example of what I offer. I LOVE weddings, and it's always been my goal to offer affordable photography coverage to people who might otherwise not be able to afford a professional. I meet the bride at her home in the morning and stick to her like glue. I leave when the couple leaves the reception ... with hundreds of photos to sort through. Let me know if you have any additional specific questions! I'm off to a photo shoot this morning, but will check my email when I get home later this afternoon! Have fun!! There's nothing quite like being with happy people!! Kind regards, Thea

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January 16, 2004


Nick Milton
  Thankyou for response,

I love this hobby/proffesion,its people like you that I love,the enthusiasm to offer help makes everything worhwhile.

i havent yet done a wedding,I have been doing sports stuff mainly,but am getting to love it more daily(does it ever end)

I have 3 cameras,Canon D10,Canon 300D,and a snap canopn A20.I use a 28-55mm,and a 90-300 mm usm.a 420 EX flash gun,and about to get a 2X lense converter thingy.

My main woryy,is the order of shots,sports is easy,you just shoot from anywhere and everywhere.

But weddings is a carefully planned thing.

Thankyou,I have your site in favorites now.

nick australia.

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January 16, 2004


Thea Menagh
  And thank YOU ... for the kind comments and for bookmarking my website! Just don't be nervous. If you can do sports ... you can do weddings! Just start with an informal one ... not one with 500 guests in a huge cathedral. I try to visit the various places before the wedding to find out a bit about space and lighting. You have 2 more cameras than I do ... so you can imagine how carefully I check my batteries, memory cards, lenses, etc. Actually, the only lens I use for weddings is the 16-35mm. I bring the zoom in case I'm taking a shot of the couple on a small park bridge and I'm too far away to get a close-up. I don't bring lights and keep things as simple as possible ... but then, that's what I advertise ... informal and casual photographs. The formal portraits tend to make me a little nervous, although when I goof (and it does happen), I can do a Photoshop fix ... and I ALWAYS take lots of shots to make sure the odds are with me as far as getting several really good ones. For me personally, the most important thing is to dress comfortably and relax. If you worry about it hard enough ... you can make it happen!! Take care and have fun! Thea

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January 16, 2004

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