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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Marie Ekstr

Camera Features Chart

Make and model of your camera (specify): Canon EOS 60D

Ability to use removable memory cards (and type of cards your camera accepts): Yes

LCD screen that lets you preview images (before you take them): Yes

A feature for magnifying images when you view them in Playback mode: Yes

Autofocus Lock, for locking focus while you recompose: Yes

Aperture Priority mode (marked as AV with some brands of cameras) for setting any desired aperture (f/stop): Yes

Shutter Priority mode (marked as TV with some brands of cameras) for setting any desired shutter speed: Yes

Several exposure metering patterns (please specify): Partial metering, Evative metering, center-weighted average metering, spot metering

An Exposure Compensation control (often marked [+/-]) for making brighter or darker images: Yes

A separate AUTOEXPOSURE LOCK button for locking the exposure while you recompose. (The button, often called AE Lock, is usually denoted as [AE-L] or with a * icon): Yes

A "histogram" for evaluating exposures: Yes

A fully Manual (M) mode although use of that mode is not recommended for this Course: Yes

A standard Program (P) mode: Yes

The ability to make ISO settings: If yes, the options available: A, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 320, 400, 500, 640, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3200, 4000, 5000 and 6400.

The ability to set White Balance: If yes, the options available: Auto, Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten, fluorescent light, Flash, Custom, Color temperature.

Several JPEG Quality options such as Fine, etc.; (please list all of them): L, M, S1, S2, S3

Several JPEG Size options (please list them and the number of pixels that each size option provides):

L: Approximately 17,9 megapixels
M: Approximately 8,0 megapixels
S1: Approximately 4,5 megapixels
S2: Approximately 2,5 megapixels
S3: Approximately 0,35 megapixels

A RAW capture mode (to capture images as raw data): Yes

A TIFF capture mode: No

A built-in zoom lens or (with an SLR camera) an accessory zoom lens: No built in

A Macro option for extreme close focusing built-in to the camera: Yes

An accessory zoom lens with "macro" (close focusing capability): No

Threads on the front of your lens so you can mount filters: Yes

A hot shoe that accepts an optional accessory flash unit: Yes

A control that lets you adjust the level of Sharpening, Color Saturation (richness) and Contrast: Yes

EXIF Data recording (for data on all settings used to make a photo): Yes

The ability to view EXIF data (at least the f/stop, shutter speed and ISO) in Playback mode when viewing images: Yes

A socket (in camera base) that allows you to use a tripod: Yes
Compatibility with some type of remote control accessory: Yes

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July 12, 2012


Lynn R. Powers
  So? What is the purpose of this post? Are you teaching a course someplace? If so why would you emphasize using "P" and not "M"? The Program setting should only be used when you absolutely have no idea what settings to use. I have only used it twice in my life and if your avatar is up to date that is before your parents got married or possibly even born.

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July 16, 2012


Marie Ekstr

Sorry, I posted at the wrong forum. Could you please remove this post?

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July 16, 2012

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