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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Jaime A. Schulz

Proper Settings for Walking down the Aisle

To all you Nikon Wedding Photographers-

Any pointers on getting the perfect shot of the couples and bride walking down the aisle?? Been having some issues that I just cant figure out. Read lots of books and did lots of testing on how to set my new Nikon D5100 but its hit and miss with these shots.

Gear: Nikon D5100
Lense either 17-50mm 2.8 or 35mm 1.8
Speedlight SB-900 flash with allowed during procession.

Currently set at AF-S, Matrix Merering, AF Area or Single Point. (Both are jit and miss)

HELP PLEASE! Just feel like I went backwards with this and Ive been doing this for 8 plus years... Not sure whats going on....Grrrrr


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May 15, 2012

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