BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Nancy Barnhart

image count on cameras

I have a Nikon D-200 and want to upgrade.
How do I find out how many images I've taken with this camera?


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February 04, 2012


Michael T. Cooper
  easiest way I know is take a picture in NEF, or JPG, and upload that picture without modification to It will tell you the shutter count.
If you have photoshop, you are supposed to be able to read it somewhere in EXIF data. I don't have photoshop.

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February 06, 2012


Nancy Barnhart
  Thank-you so much. I will try the shutter count site. The information isn't showing up in photoshop as it should.
Appreciate your answer.


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February 06, 2012

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