BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Karen Orr

Worldwide BetterPhoto Meetup Day!

November 19th is Worldwide BetterPhoto Meetup Day! Read more from Jim here:

On November 19, 2011, we’re declaring a worldwide BetterPhoto Meetup Everywhere Day! This is a day for photographers to gather, shoot, share tips, and find experiences together.

Have you ever wanted to put a group together before? Are you involved in a camera group or club now and want to know how to make it better? What’s been holding you back in the past?

We’ve got the answers that you need to put together a Meetup. However, we need your help to make the BetterPhoto Meetup Everywhere Day a global success.

Click this link and sign up to learn more:

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November 02, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Karen,
I have signed up and watched the video. I hope this is a success and I will use all my social sites to spread the word. It will be a fun day :)

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November 02, 2011


Karen Orr

Karen Orr

Excellent Carlton!
Hi again everyone - when you sign up you'll get a series of how to make your meetup in your town fun. We'll share ideas on how to get people to gather help you promote.

Here is the link to the sign up page:

Can't wait to see what area has the most BetterPhoto organizers for the Meetups!


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November 03, 2011

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