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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Tom R. Fleeman

putting copyright on photos

How can I put copyright an all my photos what is the best way to batch them? Thanks.


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October 24, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Tom,
I shoot raw and download my images using Photo Downloader from Adobe Bridge and this attaches my copyright info into the exif data as they are downloaded.I can always prove an image is mine with the exif data/ raw file which shows when I took the photo and with what camera & lens I used. Anyone stealing that image will not be able to prove this - cuz they will not have that raw file.
If you need to add a copyright on the image itself - its Option+G for MAC and hold the Alt key while typing 0169 then hit the space bar for PC will give you the copyright symbol.
I assume you can attach your copyright for batch processing but I dont like this as you may want to have that info larger/smaller or in a different location or (like me) I prefer to use a color that blends with the image so that it isn't too distracting.
My .02,

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October 24, 2011


Tom R. Fleeman
  Thanks Carlton that really helps.


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October 25, 2011

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