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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Sharon Day

Creating photo slideshows for youtube

Can someone recommend software for making slide shows geared towards youtube? I want to give that a try. Also, where do you find the music? I assume there are sites where you can purchase music to accompany a slideshow. Thanks for any input!

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October 16, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
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  Hi Sharon,
MAC or PC ? I used to love using Photodex ProShow Gold for making slideshows but they only make it for PCs. I am still looking for something as good for MACs.
As far as music, I have lots of friends who are musicians and have lots of their music downloaded that I have permission to use. I always include their website or link for music credit and to help introduce them to people who are not familiar with them.
my .02,

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October 16, 2011


Sharon Day
  Thanks, Carlton! I have a PC and I've heard of ProShow Gold. I wasn't sure it created videos that could be uploaded to youtube. I appreciate the help!

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October 16, 2011

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