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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 
- Ana Hanley

BetterPhoto Member
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Best way to save photos for website

What is the best way to save jpegs for the website.I got Ps5 and the resolution is 270ppi.
I'm not sure I am doing the right thing.

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October 16, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Spooky Tony - Happy Halloween
Spooky Tony - Happy Halloween
f/7.1, 1/2000, ISO800, 400mm - Topaz Adjust4 (Dark Ghostly) filter applied.

Carlton Ward

Hi Annie,
400 x 600 pixels is what is recommended for BP and is also a good idea for any website because there are thiefs that can & do steal photos and some will even claim them as their own.
We even had a person do this here on BP who had stolen a Russian photographers photos and then entered them in contests. When she got busted she was embarrassed, disgraced & disappeared from BP altogether.
This site is sacred to me because we are all trying to learn and get better and improve our abilities so we should not feel embarrassed about where we are in skill level, we just keep practicing & experimenting and improving as we go.
The other bigger reason for keeping online images small is that you cant print anything of quality from a 400 x 600 pixel image. Its large enough to view on screen and thats all we need it for. I have an alternate site that I sell my images on and I do upload very large images on this site because I sell (up to) 24 x 36 prints and also sell digital downloads of some images that are limited to 1200 x 800 pixels. The site controls the resolution of the images displayed so that people viewing the site will see a small resolution of a much larger image.
Right-click copy/save is disabled for BP and my other site but I have seen people get around this obstacle so then having your copyright stamp on the image becomes another safeguard.
Check Flickr and you will see 1000's of stolen images. I used to look through if for hours and find images from other friends/photographers and would contact my friends with the link of their stolen art.

In CS5 its Image>Image Size - on a MAC press Command+Option I and this will bring up the image size window - I think its Cntrl+Shift I on PC, The pixel selections is at the top of the window just type in 600 (for landscape proportions) in width and with constrain proportions checked, it will automatically select the Vertical size.
Hope this helps,

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October 16, 2011

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