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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Rosie Fodera

ISO Questions

Hi. I have the Canon D60, and shoot with a manual aperture of f/5.6. I found that I'm constantly increasing my ISO in settings where it's not even that shady. Even when I increase the ISO to 600 or above ,my shots are still coming out dark. I had the Canon Rebel and felt that if I left the same settings my images would have been a lot brighter. Anyone experience this?

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October 15, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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  Summer Meltdown 2011 - 0055
Summer Meltdown 2011 - 0055
Canon EOS 5D Mark II, f/8 @ 173 mm, 1/100, ISO 200, No Flash

Carlton Ward

Hi Rosie,
Read the manual and check your exposure compensation setting. If you are not familiar with using a DSLR manually or the ability to use the camera settings, you may consider taking a course for the 60D or an exposure class (even better).
What shutter speed are you using?
If it's sunny outside, you should be able to shoot at ISO 100 at f/16 with a fast enough shutter speed (1/60 or faster) - aka as the sunny 16 rule.
I shoot in the Pacific Northwest and overcast skies are the norm, so I often shoot at ISO 400 or more so that I can get the Depth of Field (like f/22 for landscapes) with a fast enough shutter speed for hand-holding. But I prefer to use a tripod so I can use longer shutter speeds like 1 second or slower and keep my ISO at 100 or 200. I also shoot full frame (5D Mk II) which is better at higher ISO's but you should not be having this problem with your 60D.
Hope this helps.

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October 15, 2011

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