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Photography Question 

Pat Harry

Carlton - or anyone else - festival question

Carlton, I know you shoot a lot of festivals. We have a fairly large annual balloon festival in my area, coming up in about three weeks. I frequently go and shoot the early morning lift off. But this year I'd like to also attend during the day, and shoot some people and activity. Any words of wisdom? Do you just approach the people and ask permission to shoot? Do you wander around a lot, or pick a place and wait for interesting folks to come to you? (Can you tell I'm not a street photographer!) Any suggestions would be welcome. I love your festival shots, and you've inspired me!


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September 06, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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sci10b 0446
sci10b 0446
Justin Perkins of Toubab Krewe playing the Kora - Canon EOS 5D Mark II, f/5.6 @ 200 mm, 1/320, ISO 320, No Flash

Carlton Ward

Hi Pat,
At the festivals I attend, it is sometimes posted that by entering the event, they are allowing themselves to be video taped & photographed as there are many event photographers there to capture the event. I do take caution when photographing children and if I dont know the kids or parents personally, I will locate the parent and let them know I want to take a photo and look for their nod of approval. I am lucky in that most people know me and know I will shoot the most flattering pics in good taste.
You need to download the pdf file "Photographers Rights" (google it) and carry a copy with you in your camera bag. It is handy to have in case you run across an over-zealous security person who may not know that when people are in a public place, they are allowing themselves to be photographed. You should also carry a few model release forms (google that as well) in case you take a nice portrait with the intent of selling the image so that you & the model (person) have a legal agreement. Stock agencies require model release forms for these images.
Balloon festivals are wonderful because of the bright colors and hopefully a deep blue contrasting sky :)
I only have a few festival pics posted on my carltonwardphoto site but there is a link on the right side of the main page (Festivals/Private galleries) that takes you to another site where I have all of the festival images posted.
My last few are Warrior Dash, NWSS11, Phish/Gorge11 & Meltdown 2011 :)
Love in Light,

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September 07, 2011

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