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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

Virginia Kickle

Color Spaces

I have been using Adobe ProPhoto RGB colorspace since I started using Lightroom 3. However, I send my images to be printed to a photo lab that requires sRGB color space, or sometimes create a book with my images - again using sRGB space. My other way I view and show my images is by slideshows on my own desktop computer.

Given the limitations on colorspace for printing and viewing, are there advantages to continuing to use ProPhoto RGB?

Are there any adjustments I should make after converting to sRGB for external processing to get the best color?

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August 01, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Virginia,
Color calibration is the key to getting correct colors. Ask the print lab for their ICC profile.
Most printers are using sRGB these days but I still have my camera set at RGB and use Zenfolio/MPIX to do my prints and they always look perfect. I suppose when I upload them to be printed it gets converted because I dont convert them beforehand. ???
It appears there are no advantages to setting the camera as sRGB rather than RGB so I may set my 5D Mk II to sRGB for this weekends shoot for Phish @ the Columbia Gorge shows this weekend :)

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August 01, 2011


Virginia Kickle
  Thanks Carlton. I have been avoiding getting into color calibration, but I suppose I should do that at some point. I have been sending photos to AdoramaPix and as long as I let them adjust them, I have been happy with the results. I tried sending photos to them without having them do adjustments and they didn't not look at all like they did on my monitor - lesson learned!
Good luck with your photo shoot!

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August 01, 2011


Peter K. Burian
  Hi Virginia, Start with an affordable and simple color calibration kit like the X-rite Huey Pro.

$90 and works very well

I don't know the value of ProPhoto RGB since neither labs or inkjet printers are optimized for this color space.

I use Adobe RGB for images I plan to print myself ... and pro labs usually want images in Adobe RGB.


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September 01, 2011


Virginia Kickle
  Thanks. I decided to go with Adobe RGB for everything. I have a color calibration kit on order. Hopefully that will help for getting correct color for external processing.

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September 01, 2011


Peter K. Burian
  Sounds good, although if a lab needs JPEGs in sRGB you will still need to convert them to that color space.

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September 01, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Virginia,
Just another note about calibration, I keep my room lit the same all the time so that my calibration is correct. I am not familiar with Huey but I think this one may adjust as you go, so if you open a window, the calibrator will adjust itself.
Is this correct Peter ?

The Spyder2 needs to be re-calibrated whenever you change the ambient light in the room buts its quick & easy :)
My room stays dark and I like it this way when editing images. I also noticed that when I used Spyder2 calibration on my PCs, I would see a huge difference before & after calibration but since switching to a 24" IMAC 3 years ago, I see very little difference. I am also happy that the Spyder2 worked on my MAC so I didn't have to spend additional $$ for a different one :)
When I am printing at home, I use my Spyder2 profile so that my images match monitor-to-printer but when I am using MPIX, I use their ICC profile for my images when I edit & upload them to MPIX.
Hope this Helps,

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September 01, 2011


Virginia Kickle
  I decided to try for prints. I don't do any printing at home. WHCC was recommended by Better Photo instructor, Doug Johnson. They can handle Adobe RGB. I found a good buy on I-1 Display 2, which was reommended by WHCC, so I ordered it and expect to get it in a day or so.
You make a good point about the ed
iting environment. Mine is not ideal as my work station is near a large sliding glass door and lighting is changeable. But I could make the lighting more consistent by keeping the blinds drawn.
Thanks for your suggestions and comments, Carlton and Peter.

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September 01, 2011

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