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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 

David B. Spooner

Where do I start? to BP and needing advise. My photo passion is outdoor/nature..I consider myself a fairly competent hobbyist with my limited resources.I want to be the best I can be but with so many courses available, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Would some of you reviewing my basic gallery and suggesting a good starting point in becoming a better outdoor photo hobbyist?

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July 26, 2011


Memoriee G. Sconce
  Hi David, Welcome to BP. The classes here are really great and the instructors very helpful. I can tell you what I think from the class I have taken and I am sure others will chime in.
I love Jim Zuckerman's classes he gives great feedback and his critiques hold nothing back. I have taken all of his classes but about 3.
William Neill--Inspiring Nature Photography was also really good.
I have taken ones from Rob Sheppard, Charlotte Lowrie,Doug Steakley, Kerry Drager and a few others, I have been happy with them all.
Happy shooting and take care.

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July 26, 2011

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery Editor's Pick  
Snoqualmie Falls
Snoqualmie Falls
Canon 5D Mk II, f/18, ISO100, 42mm, tripod, 5 exposures, PhotoMatix HDR

Carlton Ward

Hello David,
I agree with Memoriee and have taken lots of Jims classes. Exposure is the most important in terms of learning the basis of all that IS photography. I used to take a fundamental class like Exposure or Creative shooting and take a Photoshop class at the same time (when I had time to double up) because along with learning to capture an image the way you want to, its also a necessity to process the images with todays software efficiently and the way you want to project the image.
I found that taking 2 at the same time usually worked well together and increased my learning curve quickly.
Lewis Kempers Toolbox classes are fantastic as well.
Have fun, its a wondrous journey and dont forget your tripod :)

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July 26, 2011

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