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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Sheila P. Morrison

Why can't I find my photos?

Dear Better Photo. A friend of mine searched my name but could not find my photos within the Better Photo website. Why is that? Also, my self-portrait is not showing up even though it was uploaded some days ago. Thank you.

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July 31, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Sheila, what kind of gallery do you have? Can you include a link to it?

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July 31, 2016


Teresa Letkiewicz
  I think that what you describe happens when you are not a member of BetterPhoto (e.i. you don't have a gallery for which you paid).

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July 31, 2016


Sheila P. Morrison
  Hi Ken. I'm very new at this. I'm not quite sure what kind of gallery I have, if at all. I have uploaded three photos over the past three days into the monthly theme (shadows) competition. I can view them in my "manage photos" space, but I don't seem to exist otherwise.
I just saw another comment suggesting that I need to purchase a membership in order to have a gallery. Perhaps that is the problem?

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July 31, 2016


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures
  Sheila you have to check the box nextvto display or they do not show up anywhere except the contest.

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July 31, 2016


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures
  Also once you have checked the display box you have to go to the bottom of the page and hit the update botton

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July 31, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Sheila, welcome to BP...and hopefully John's comments will help. If you don't know what kind of gallery you have, I'm assuming you have not paid any $$s to BP. Is that correct? I don't know if "free" galleries are searchable to your friends. Nor am I sure how to get a link below your name, such that folks can click on your gallery. Do you have a BP ID number?

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July 31, 2016


Sheila P. Morrison
  Dear Teresa, John and Ken. Thank you all for your comments. In the future I will be sure to hit the "display" and "update" buttons. And I will also consider becoming a true member of BP in order to show a gallery of my photos. I would very much appreciate whatever comments and critiques my fellow members would have of my work. Thank you again for your prompt responses.

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July 31, 2016

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