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Photography Question 
- Betty Ann Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
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Lightroom and photo storage help

How do I get help with Lightroom issues and storage of photos? I have two external hard drives and thought that LR was sending photos to one of those. I've received notice that the external drive is full but I continually "lose" photos and can't find most on that drive. I've checked every drive and can't figure out what is happening. I am not as technically savvy as I'd like to be so would love to barter or pay for a very experienced "tutor" who can help me. Any ideas?

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July 30, 2016 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
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  When "Exporting" your images from Lightroom:

Select File (top left) - Then Export. You then open a dialog box. In the upper section it says Export Location - Export to and then under that is the folder that your images are going to. Check the drive to see if you have that mapped to your internal or external hard drive. This will give the exact location that Lightroom is sending your images. This is a selectable so you can choose a location that works for you.

I hope this helps.

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July 30, 2016

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