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Photography Question 

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures

EPs for ineligible images

Is any body else bewildered by the eps be given to images that will never be able to win because they where taken before the 2 month period. To me it does not make sense, there are many images that are taken in the time frame set fourth that will not be judged because they are given eps to ineligible images.

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July 08, 2016

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  They gave an option for people who are disabled or otherwise unable to get out and shoot regularly to be given a bit of a break on all of the images being shot in the same month. This may be the case in the ones you are referring to.

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July 12, 2016 - Mary L. Olson

Contact Mary L. Olson
Mary L. Olson's Gallery
  John, I would not be too concerned. First, BP does not seem to give a set number of EPs, so one image getting an EP does not take away the possibility of an EP going to another. Also it is common practice in sweepstakes and contest management to vet qualification when the actual short list is chosen. In BP's case that might be at the Finalist phase. (Just a guess.) The practical reason for this is it would take WAY too much time to review the qualification of every single entry.

If there are people not observing the rules, one way or another, that is their problem and BPs, but should not affect your entries.

Finally, this is supposed to be fun. :-)

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July 12, 2016

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  I may be wrong, but in the original email, Jim stated that an EP would be awarded but the photo would not advance. Again, I may be wrong. It happens... a lot more lately.

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July 13, 2016


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures
  I would like to state first off that I do enjoy this site (Having fun with it) and that I am just having a discussion. Carolyn I know that there where exceptions but I think there are far to many eps to older images to all be from those with exceptions. If I am wrong then good because all will be eligible to move on. But I also remember ready the same email Harriet did about the eps. I just thinks it's a shame to have images move to the next round that will have no chance of moving on when there could have been more selected that where eligible. This is not sour grapes I am talking about all the images from other epers that would move on. I received more than my share for June.

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July 13, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

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Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  I agree with others, esp Harriet and Mary (I think - I HATE this new comment format which means I can't see the previous comments when replying!).

Jim did state that we were not to worry about EP's - the "vetting" would not occur at that level. And I will stress that there is absolutely no set number or percentage or anything of images that get EP's - or that move on to SF's or even that move on to Finalists. No one else's "win" or "badge" can keep others from moving on until the Winners round. In the past we have seen months with an amazingly high %age of Finalists and other months with an amazingly low %age.

Plus, in addition to the "exceptions" granted by Jim, I still maintain that there are lots and lots of members who don't know about this new rule. That doesn't mean they should or will move one, just that it's quite understandable to me that there are entries of older images.

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July 17, 2016

- Ken Smith

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Ken Smith's Gallery
  Nikki, you raise a good point (going off memory cause I can't see your original comment. :-) )

I bet at least half of those that enter the contest don't even know about the new rule that limits folks to mostly new photos in June (and presumably July). I know a lot of folks on BP and many don't even look at the forums anymore.

Perhaps BP amended the Contest Upload pages to reflect the new contest rule or it was included in POTD announcements. I honestly don't remember.

And can someone tell me if the same rule(s) are in place for July? I can't remember if it's ok to resubmit for July.

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July 18, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  Nope on the resubs, Ken. He said none for three months - June, July, and August. Must admit I'm getting bored with my own :)

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July 18, 2016

- Usman M. Bajwa

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Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Nikki, like yourself and Ken, I am also not a big fan of this new reply thread, where we are unable to see what we are replying to :)

Would be great if, BP could allow us to see the previous message/comment, at least the last comment in the thread, when we respond to it.

Another task at your hand, Jim :)


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July 19, 2016

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  I am not sure I understand about not being able to see earlier posts... I can see all of them, I think?

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July 19, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Harriet, click "respond" to this thread. All you'll see is the input box for your comment. If you wish to refer back to comments from the thread, you'll need to open another browser and bring up the original thread for reference, or hit the back button to relook the comment, before responding.

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July 20, 2016

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  Oh, I see. I don't think I ever noticed this. Thanks, Ken.

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July 20, 2016 - Errick L. Cameron

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Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
  I hate to show my ignorance but how does one even know when a photo was taken? I know I can find the information on my photo info as I process the image but I don't see where that shows up in BP. Also, for non-digital negatives the origination date becomes the date that the negative was converted to digital, thus having no tag showing date of exposure.

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July 20, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Errick, you're right. I think it'd be tough. Perhaps BP has a way to check for Date Taken, for those photos entered into the contest. But as you said, many photos won't have that information in the metadata. And if I take a screen capture of my photo, the metadata doesn't carry over to this new image.

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July 21, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  In my opinion, the only thing relating to dates that BetterPhoto can fairly use in its "judging" is the date of upload to BP.

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July 21, 2016 - Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
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Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
  My take... Just have fun in BP and don't worry about!

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July 21, 2016


Cindy Koller
  There is currently no ability for BP to know when a photo was taken, only the date uploaded to BP. However, there are photos that I know I've seen before being posted, and if someone is paying attention, it is clearly possible to identify the season for many photos, and if you can identify where a photo was taken, you can figure out if season does not match!

When discussing vetting a photo, that would mean contacting the photographer and requesting the original photo with metadata and that is something BP is ill prepared to do based on the fact that they cannot even keep up with the basic judging.

I notice that Jim has not made any comments to any of these posts and all of the complaints and concerns. I'm sure he is reading them, as in the past he comments.

I stopped playing in early july as the situation is frustrating me. I'm supposed to be enjoying playing, and to me, enjoyment includes both fair rules for all and at the same time, not tying my hands behind my back so that I cannot put my best work forward.

I believe that practice will make inexperienced photographers better, but many folks that play here no longer need to just go out and photograph 'anything' for the practice. I've been there and done that. I take photos from around the world, specifically going to places where I can get the best possible images for a given subject.

I'm waiting to see what happens with the rules before I post any more photos.

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July 22, 2016


Bill Johnson
  FYI, at this point approx. 250 photos in the July contest have upload dates that make them ineligible. (I am aware of the fact that one can appeal to Jim for an exclusion from the rule)

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July 29, 2016 - Mary L. Olson

Contact Mary L. Olson
Mary L. Olson's Gallery
  "I believe that practice will make inexperienced photographers better, but many folks that play here no longer need to just go out and photograph 'anything' for the practice. I've been there and done that. I take photos from around the world, specifically going to places where I can get the best possible images for a given subject."

I guess this means that Pope Francis does not celebrate Mass every day because he has been there and done that.
Yo Yo Ma, I guess, puts his cello away until there is an audience to watch him. Not.

I have great respect for people who see and capture great images in their own backyards and who don't need someone to scout and set up shots for them. And for those who practice, practice, practice because they know they could always do something better.

Sorry, I just had to say it.

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July 29, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  If I'm not mistaken, the "exclusions" were for people to be able to enter images that were TAKEN longer ago than two months before the start of the June contest, NOT for some people to be allowed resubs. Even with an "exclusion", the upload date should be very close to on or after June 1, I would think.

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July 29, 2016


Bill Johnson
  Nikki, If that's the case then I would say the number may be nearer 500. I checked upload dates through early April in the 250 count.

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July 30, 2016

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