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Photography Question 

Bill Johnson

Questions about the 20th Anniversary Contest.

Thought we might wish to have forum area dedicated to questions and discussions about the new 20th Anniversary Special contest.

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March 09, 2016


Bill Johnson
  Jim, could you give us an idea of the timeline for this? Will it concluded this month or perhaps in several months?

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March 09, 2016 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Looking forward to seeing the results, whenever they come, for this "Winners' Winners" subset of images... I recall the postcard that was mailed out for (I think) BP's 15th Anniversary, which had a mosaic of several recognizable BP contest-winning photos from over the years... (I was tickled pink to have one of mine there!)
It will be a hard job to choose, say, a new 111 or so images (the usual number of "golds" in a single month) from 16,000 existing golds!! Perhaps the final selection quantity doesn't have to fit 111... Hard, not for the number of images to sift through (BP's Contest has in the past, many times exceeded 20,000 and 30,000 entries/month) -- but for the sheer challenge of looking through so many truly terrific images! A beautiful, but daunting job!

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March 09, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  This would be a good opportunity to ask judges from years past, to help cull the entries down to the SFs, finalists, and winners...the more judges, the less subjectivity in the choices. A daunting task for sure. And thanks, Bill for having this forum topic. And to BP for coming up with the idea for their all-time selections.

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March 09, 2016


Debbie Bray
  I wonder if somebody could tell me where to find these photos, without going back to the link in my email. Many thanks.

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March 10, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Here's the link from Jim's e-mail.

It defaults to the first category, Nature and Landscapes. Just click the "More Categories" link top right to navigate to the other contest photos.

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March 10, 2016

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Irene Colling
Irene Colling's Gallery
  I didn't get an email announcing the All Time Winner event. Can someone explain to me, and others, what the email said. I followed Ken's link and was browsing through photos and was surprised to find a few of my pictures with an extra "all time winner editors pick" badge on them. So I suppose these "winner EP's" will be considered for an additional contest. Is that how the rest of you interpret the All Time Winner category?

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March 10, 2016

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Hi guys! Happy I found you here. I just wanted to say that two of my images have passed round one and got a Gold Badge Editors Pick for the 20th Year Anniversary. You cannot see it by just looking at your gallery. You have to open each photo that you know is in the 20th Anniversary Contest and at that point you can see or not see a NEW gold badge next to your OLD gold badge. Just waned to share the breaking news. If you want to see what it look like, please go to my first photo in my gallery of a castle and open it and scroll down. Cheers!- Laura :)

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March 11, 2016


Mary K. Robison
  You're doing it just fine, Irene. And Congrats on your All-Time EP's ~ hope they go even higher!

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March 11, 2016

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Irene what this is, is BP is Celebrating it's 20th year Anniversary and Jim M. wanted to do something special. So he has gone through all the gold wins and I think even finalists (?) to pick out his personal favs. He put them on the pages you were looking at. And what he is asking of each of us is to activate our entry by merely doing anything on the club like upload a photo, do some commenting...just do something current so he knows you care and are here and accounted for. They have a way of viewing our activity and can tell if we are dormant or active. Once he knows we are here and around he will give GOLD Editor Picks to pass the first round of judging. He said he would let us know by e-mail as things progress. I hope I got all of that right!! -Laura :)

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March 11, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Laura, I think it's only the gold medals that have been included...unless you've seen a finalist on the link Jim passed out the other day. For the last 10 years I've been on BP, they've issued 111 golds each month, which is which equates to 13,320 golds in 10 years. So in 20 years, I'm sure it's fairly high.

The link that Jim posted has 15,943 images on it.

I have the basic gallery, and the new "All-Time Favorite" Editor's Pick emblem doesn't show up. However, when I clicked on one of my gold medals, it was there. But I had to click the image first.

So, the easiest way (at least for me) to find out if your gold medal photo got an All-time Fav EP, is to open it up. Not all gold medals from Jim's initial suite of 15,943 images have the All-time EP.

If BP has posted a link to the All-Time Fav EPs, please post it here.

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March 11, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Also, if your gold medal doesn't have the new All-time Editor's Pick button, it's probably because BP is still going through the photos.

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March 11, 2016

- Christine Lobsinger

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Lobsinger
Christine Lobsinger's Gallery
  Thanks Ken Smith... I did not know why the badges were looking that way!
Smiling Chris

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March 11, 2016


Debbie Bray
  Laura Loulou, thanks for working it out for us! I bet you're good at cryptic puzzles! And to you too Ken, thanks a bundle!

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March 11, 2016 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Thanks for the link, Ken -- to the 15,943.
In Jim's email, the links I was clicking in the text, were taking me to a set (arranged by Contest Category) that added up to 8,563. So I couldn't tell where he was getting the 16,000 total from! I don't think I saw the link you've shared, in his emails -- musta missed it.

Also, not all the past contest months awarded 111 wins as they do today; if you go back to the 2001 results, they often only gave out around a dozen winners (can you imagine!? ;) For instance, The Aug 2001 (oldest contest results available on the Contest Page) had just 16 winners total.

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March 11, 2016

- Martha R. Mazon

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Martha R. Mazon
Martha R. Mazon's Gallery
  The all-time badges also display on the Manage/Enter screen under the thumbnail at the left. EPs and POTDs display here too. (Perhaps the team was trying to make space for all of the badges with the new badge design, which would fit with some of Jim's comments on the other thread). I would expect more changes to show up since this seems to be a work in progress. New links that show all of a member's awards by type would be sweet! (hint, hint)

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March 11, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Chris, I took Jim's original URL and just erased all the text that followed the "Cat id#", in hopes of sharing a shorter URL here in the forum, for folks to copy/paste. I'm not sure why those numbers didn't match the sum from the 10 categories.

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March 11, 2016 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  I think it means to reach ~16,000... consider past Contest Category Winners (~8,500), plus past POTD's (~3,800) and then perhaps also just the Finalists that didn't advance further...?

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March 11, 2016

- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jill Odice
Jill Odice's Gallery
  I got a All Time EP for my Vasquez Rocks B/W image. I moved it to the front page of my gallery and the new badge does not show up in my gallery? It just has the 2nd place Winner badge showing...If I click on the link to discuss, it is on that page...Is this a glitch that is being worked on...It would be nice to have that badge show in the gallery :-)

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March 11, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Jill, I mentioned this too, lack of All Time emblem appearing under thumbnail. The only way I know is to click on your gold medals and see if they have the new emblem.

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March 11, 2016 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  First, CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who have seen an All Time Editor's Pick badge already... and CONGRATULATIONS to all who will see one in the coming days (weeks... ;)

And important note: if you don't get one, don't feel bad. As you can imagine, ALL of these images are amazing. Just some seem to have stood the test of time better than others. They are the "classic hits". But they're all pretty incredible and a source of inspiration to tons of viewers!


Yes, you are right, Laura: members just need to activate so we know a particular winner is still around. (So please spread the word and tell your friends what's going on...)

Also, I have a link here so you can see which images have made it to the next round:

All Time Best Editor's Picks

As of this date, only about 3000 of the almost 16000 images have been reviewed. So you'll see this group get bigger over time.

And if you want to see what is added over time first, I think this slightly differently link will do the trick:

All Time Best Editor's Picks - recently categorized images first

So once you go through and LOVE photos and comment on photos from the first link, you may want to check the second link every morning (or every other morning).

Once we have the Editor's Picks finalized (and yes these are coming from images that have "got the gold" in the past... grand, first, second, and potd), then the best of those will be awarded "All Time Staff Favorites".

Next round will be All Time Finalists...

And finally we will all celebrate the All Time Winners.

We won't divide these up into Grand, First, Second... that seems unnecessary when considering such high quality images.

I am really excited to see each round, and wish you all the best.

Remember to get your friends to activate their accounts...

Okay have fun!


P.S. We're still working on the Classic Gallery... hang in there... you should see badges there too as soon as we complete the update and make the mobile friendly so Google loves us all more. Talk soon!

P.P.S. Actually, I have a question about the Classic Galleries, but since I want as many votes as possible, I will post my question in the other (much longer) contest discussion thread...

Thank you all :)

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March 11, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Thanks, Jim. Great rundown! :-)

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March 11, 2016 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  You're welcome!

And for Irene and anyone else who did not get my email, here's a copy of it, without the links... it should give you a good idea of the fun event.



I'm celebrating BetterPhoto's 20th birthday with a special contest: the All-Time Best.

I've been personally going through all the photos that have placed and won in our previous 180 contests.

There are almost 16,000 photos!

As you might imagine, they are all amazing.

Soon I will announce the first round of selections: the All-Time Picks. Some of these will go on to get All-Time Favorites, All-Time Finalists, and All-Time Winners.

If you've won in the past, you could become an All-Time Winner too!

All you need to do is go to BetterPhoto, log in, and do something fun at the site:

* Browse and be inspired,

* Upload and share a photo with our new Platinum uploader,

* Enter your favorite photo into this month's contest,

* Click the heart icon to love your favorite photos,

And more... There are so many uplifting things to do at BetterPhoto... I'll send you more ways to "play" later.

If you're new to BetterPhoto, no worries...

You can win at BetterPhoto too :-)

Simply enter this month's contest...

(NOTE: YOU DON'T HAVE TO UPLOAD for the All Time contest... just for the regular monthly contest...)

Let me know if you have any questions.

In the meantime, have fun taking pictures... and sharing them at BetterPhoto.

Thank you,

Jim Miotke

Founder,, Inc.

P.S. This month, we'll be celebrating with a bunch of other inspiring activities too - special deals, new courses, exciting enhancements... You won't want to miss what's coming... stay tuned.

P.P.S. If you have placed with a First or Second or won Grand Prize in the past, go "activate" your participation into the All-Time Best contest. All you have to do is visit BetterPhoto, log in, and do something: browse, upload a new photo, comment on a photo, etc.

P.P.P.S. Here's one way to play: go look at the amazingly beautiful photography we've seen win at BetterPhoto. Again, there are a lot of photos - almost 16000 of them - so just take a 5-minute break and boost your inspiration with a page or two of these beauties.

You'll want to go out shooting after just a page of these :)

P.P.P.P.S. Remember, whether you've won before or not, you can have fun and possibly win big in these inspiring 20th b-day contests. Go log in now and have fun at BetterPhoto!

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March 11, 2016

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Thank you, Jim and Ken and Chris and everyone. :) I have been trying to let everyone know. Just in case they didn't get the e-mail. I sent the news out to about 50 of you. Some have let their accounts lapse so I hope they will return "home". :))) Jim, this is such a wonderful idea you have. We BPers that are standing the test of time is because we love the contest, the badges, the fun, the family and the wonderful inspiration we find here everywhere we turn. It's a great club you have made for us all and I can feel the excitement of the members again right now. What a wonderful things to have this huge 20th year celebration! I even rearranged my gallery last night because I feel like "company is coming". :) My BP family! Thanks for everything. So far I found 5 of my images in the contest. I am so honored and all of my 3D family knows all about it now, too! :)

Thank you!
-Laura :)))

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March 11, 2016


Ellen Hodges
  Thanks, Everyone at BP for starting what is sure to be a very fun anniversary event! Thanks to Laura, too, who did a great job in letting people know about all the "happenings!"

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March 12, 2016

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  :) xo

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March 12, 2016

- Laura L. Gonzales

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura L. Gonzales
Laura L. Gonzales's Gallery
  Thank you Jim for updating us! A fun event for sure!!

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March 12, 2016

- G. Margaret Hennes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact G. Margaret Hennes
G. Margaret Hennes's Gallery
Thanks Jim for the clarifications! I have been very engrossed with a community project of late and will very soon get back to photography.
It is great that you are marking the 20th Anniversary in this way.

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March 13, 2016


Mary K. Robison
  Thanks, Jim, for clearing up questions regarding the ALL-TIME gallery. Such a great way to celebrate betterphoto's 20th anniversary, and to renew the excitement that each of us felt when we first discovered the site, and signed up for a gallery.

You mentioned above you were providing some new links, but I don't see them...? Am I more near-sighted than I thought, or what?

Thanks again, Jim, to you and your staff. Now back to the ALL-TIME gallery to see and comment on some more special photos.

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March 14, 2016 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  We're up to 2300 and counting.

All Time Editor's Picks, most recently added first

So many truly awe-inspiring photos!

Here's what you can do to help make this a big success:

a) Share on Facebook your or another's big achievement (or tweet or however else you like to connect with friends... even if that means in person ;-)

b) go to the link above, sort by MOST LOVED (which means those photos that have received the most hearts up to now), and go to the last pages and click the HEART on any photo you like.

Spread the good-will and love in this way, giving it to even those people who may not have received hearts / love on their photo.

Enjoy the All-Time contest and the continuing 20th b-day!

Thanks again,

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March 15, 2016 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  In case you did not see it...

Look for the "My Contest Winners!" link - just made available to all members in the "My Photos" section of your Profile.


I just made this fun, quick announcement about yet another way to enjoy our 20th Anniversary celebration!

More ways to WIN!

P.S. There are more fun links coming in the next days... keep an eye on that "My Photos" section of your Profile.

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March 16, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  Jim said, "In case you did not see it...
Look for the "My Contest Winners!" link - just made available to all members in the "My Photos" section of your Profile . . . "

But I can't "see" anyone else's Profile, can I? I would actually hope not - I don't want to see into the behind the scenes "stuff" of other members. I was just wondering . . .

If I visit another member's gallery, is there any way for me to see their winners other than asking them to send me a link to their winners from their profile?

I may well be missing something here . . .

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March 16, 2016


Pat Harry
  I like that feature, Jim!

Now, if I could just get it populated.... :)

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March 16, 2016 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Correct, only the logged in member can see their own "My Contest Winners!" link.

To see others, they would have to sort them to the first photos in their Classic Gallery or add a category in their Pro or Deluxe Website.

Or of course you can look at all the winners....

But to see just the winners of another member would require that they set them up in order for you.


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March 16, 2016

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  Jim said, "Correct, only the logged in member can see their own "My Contest Winners!" link.
To see others, they would have to sort them to the first photos in their Classic Gallery or add a category in their Pro or Deluxe Website. . . . "

I have always sorted to put my badges (excluding EP's) together and near the front of my gallery - right after the months that haven't been announced yet. It was time-consuming, but I did it anyway.

Now that we have the mosaic display so that (1) the order the member wants them in is not as evident and (2) the badges can't be seen at a glance, I won't be taking the time to do this.

Jim also said, "Or of course you can look at all the winners...."

I do this already - and enjoy it a lot. But I've also always enjoyed visiting the galleries of special friends who sort as I do (or in a similar fashion) right after results are announced to see the "body" of their awards, and I've had the sense from comments that there are other members who have the same habit.

Just trying to figure out how to make this all work for me in the best possible way.

Now if you could just bring back the programing that kept our Favorites (Photos I Love) folders in the order in which we chose them rather in the image upload order, I would be very happy. We lost that on the last big improvement . . .

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March 16, 2016

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Yes, I am with Nikki.


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March 16, 2016


Mary K. Robison
  Nikki ~
As of 11:00 PM (a couple hours ago), when I visited other members' galleries, their All-Time EP list was indicated as a separate link above whatever photo I was commenting on, with the other link being "Discuss". Hope that helps.

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March 26, 2016


Mary K. Robison
  Nikki ~
Ignore what I said above. I apologize for any confusion.
To see each member's All-Time EP's:
Go to the first page of any member's gallery. Above all the photos, you'll see a link in orange saying, "So-and-so's winners". Click on it to see a special gallery of just the AT EP winners. Hope that makes more sense to you.

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March 26, 2016 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Just FYI Mary -- when I click the orange link, I see the member's winners -- some of which are also ATEP's -- but the link doesn't take me to *just* the ATEP's... Still, a nice feature to see some of the best of a member's gallery--their wins thus far!

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March 26, 2016


Mary K. Robison
  Christopher ~
Thanks for clearing things up completely. I'm sure other bp members will appreciate your concise explanation as much as I do.

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March 27, 2016

- G. Margaret Hennes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact G. Margaret Hennes
G. Margaret Hennes's Gallery
Christopher I too am grateful for your clearing up this matter. It is a nice feature and a source of inspiration to see so many great winners in members' galleries.

Happy Easter

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March 27, 2016

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Happy Easter everyone and Thank You for the help and tips!! :D

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March 27, 2016

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