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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

J Ward

How does this work?

I'm sure the answer is somewhere on this site but I can't seem to find it. At what point in the month do they determine EPs, SF, and Finalists? Are the decisions a progression staggered out?


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November 03, 2015 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson's Gallery
  There are no specific dates for each phase - On the "Contest" page: it simply states that results will be posted by the last day of the month.

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November 03, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  J, in general EPs are determined within a few days of the day they were uploaded. For example, for the photos uploaded to contest on the 10th of October, then generally EPs are awarded a week later. But lately, they've been awarded the next day. It just depends. There's no magical date.

And lately, BP has made a 2nd pass-through at the end of the month, to hand out even more EPs.

In general, the Staff Favs are announced anywhere between the 15th of the following month, to even the last day of the month. But in general, by the 20th of the month. Then finalists are awarded a few days later, then gold medals. But, there's no set date. And it's not published so hence the excitement as each day ticks off...

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November 03, 2015

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