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Photography Question 

Debbie Bray

Overseas for 3 months with just 1 lens

I can't believe I pulled it off! Taking just my camera with the Tamron 28-300 lens attached, 3 batteries and only 1 memory card. I was very nervous that I may miss something without my macro, or wide angle lens, but the Tamron lens covered everything I needed. My husband was also very happy that he didn't have to cart the camera bag everywhere, as I just popped the camera into my regular shoulder bag. The big plus was not having to change lenses, this lens is super sharp, and does fine with macro. Things were so much easier at Customs too, as they are now very strict with the 7kg carry on weight limit. Anybody wanting to travel lighter, I highly recommend this way to go.

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October 16, 2015


Cindy Koller
  Where did you run up against the strictly enforced weight restrictions for carryon? I'm going to India in December for 3 weeks, and although I promised to pack lighter, as I have a 33 lb restriction on one specific internal flight for checked baggage, which puts a crimp into my wardrobe, and I had promised to cut back to just a 150-600mm, 17-35mm, and 28-300, and my husband will take my 80-400 and his 18-200. For me, this is roughing it. Not taking any of my good 2.8 lenses except the wide angle, and no spare camera.

Honestly, if I was not going to be shooting wildlife and birds on this trip, I'd make do with 2 lenses, or maybe then I'd tell myself it was okay to pack a 24-70 2.8. No self control!

We went international in November and no one stopped us from taking a carryon for overhead and a backpack. The carryon alone weighed about 35 lbs and the backpack another 20 lbs. All camera gear. My husband took similar.

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October 28, 2015


Debbie Bray
  Hi Cindy, thanks for responding. We flew Qantas and Emirates, our carryon baggage was weighed in both Brisbane and Dubai. In Dubai, a lot of people were made to move some of their hand luggage into their ports, and then made to pay excess on their port weight. There is also a hand luggage sizer at check in, if your bag is oversized, you are made to check it in with the rest of your luggage. This is the first time that we have found the airlines to be so strict with hand luggage. Our travel agent warned us, so best check with yours before you leave. Best of luck with it, you may be with an Airline carrier whose rules are not quite as strict.

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October 29, 2015


Cindy Koller
  We are traveling Emarites, so that does not sound good. what does port mean?

Our carryon luggage is all within international regulation size, so it is only weight that is an issue. As a photographer, I always wear a vest when traveling, so I can always stuff my vest with lenses/hard drives if need be.

I'm going to go on emarites site to see their restrictions.
I already decided not to take my think tank international roll on camera bag because although it meets size restrictions, it weighs about 10 lbs unpacked.

Honestly, I'm not even looking forward to this trip.

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October 30, 2015


Cindy Koller

Also, I've now read the Emirates site and its even unclear. I states 1 carryon but it mentions nothing about a purse. Can you carry on a purse too? Is it weighed? How about men, can they carry on a 'man bag' or something for magazines, papers, and in our case a laptop not in a case.

Do you happen to know how they feel about folks stuffing lenses/hard drives into their vest pockets, a standard way photographers handle issues with weight restriction issues.

Thanks for any info.

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November 01, 2015


Debbie Bray
  Hi Cindy, sorry about the delay in responding, I'm travelling presently. Excuse my Aussie terminology, a port is a hard case that you carry your clothes in. :).
Each person is allowed 7kgs (about 15 pound) carry on. My husband carried my computer on for me, and I carried on a large shoulder bag stuffed with my purse, camera, batteries etc. If you decide to carry lenses on yourself, they will just ask you to empty your pockets when going through customs.
In Dubai, I saw the airport personnel ask travellers to put their extra small bags etc, into their suitcases. All batteries have to be carried in your hand luggage, not your suitcases. There is another rule for the extra bags you buy from Duty Free. There didn't seem to be a problem there, but we did check first with Emirates before purchasing.
The airlines have become stricter with carryon, due to the weight in the overhead lockers.

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November 03, 2015


Ellen Hodges
  Amazing, Deb, that you could really streamline your camera gear like that! You got so many beautiful images, so whatever you did, it worked to perfection!!

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November 08, 2015 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Flying certainly is a hassle far more than a pleasure, anymore!
However, that said - I just returned from a week in Barcelona (and a night in Rome) and at no point was my carry-on ever weighed. (I had a modest sized black duffle bag, which I carried in my hand by the 2 straps -- that may have helped prevent "suspicion" that it was overly heavy -- it sure wasn't light, but I pulled it off nonchalantly :)
The duffle held my camera bag inside -- containing 1 SLR with 4 lenses, 3 batteries) plus ipad mini, 2 travel/tour books, neck pillow, journal, etc.
My checked-luggage was weighed of course -- kept my tripod in there -- and then never once used it on the trip! -- however, at least on this trip, I'm 100% convinced I could have carried that roller bag on board -- it was within the carry-on size limit, but definitely not within the carry-on weight limit -- yet I'm not convinced on this trip I would have been made to weigh it... Still, I was "honest" and checked it -- but I saw many other passengers with legal-size, but too-heavy rolling bags, stroll right onto the plane and heave them up into the overheads ;) {Delta for NY to Rome, then Alitalia for Rome to Barcelona.}

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November 10, 2015


Ellen Hodges
  What an accomplishment, Deb! Don't know you did it with one memory card. Seams like an impossible feat! Super images, too! Whatever you did, worked to perfection!!

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November 10, 2015


Debbie Bray
  Thanks Ellen! My husband carried on my laptop and external hard drive. If my memory card were to have failed, I would have just bought a new one over there. :)
I can only pass on our own experiences with the two abovementioned airlines we travelled with. If your airlines aren't as strict, I say go for it! :)

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November 12, 2015

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