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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
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Things Running Very Slow?

Is anybody else noticing how slow BP seems to be running? It takes a long time to post comments...too long to be any fun ...I have been having this problem for the last week or so, I clear my cache and cookies etc., restart my computer...and it makes no difference. I make a comment and go do something else and come back a few minutes later to see if it is done posting the comment. Instead of commenting on maybe 20 images, I stop after about 5...

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September 08, 2015


David L. Godwin
  They have told us there is a reoccurring bug in their software that is causing some problems. They are not going forward with reviewing photos for the monthly contest until they fix the software issue. So we might notice some slow down in system speed as they work on things in the background. Just a quick FYI so we all know what is going on.

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September 08, 2015

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