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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Sharon Sawyer

Grand Prize Winners

Would someone please tell me if someone wins the Grand Prize do they win a free gallery for a year or forever? Also has there been any 2 for 1 offers for the Classic Gallery? Mine runs out in June 2016. I need to find the page where you can ask for this information & Photo of the Day emailed to us. Thank you in advance for your help.

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August 10, 2015

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
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  Sharon, if you go to the main "Contest" link, it says the Grand Prize winner gets a Deluxe Betterpholio web site.

If you go to the little pancakes icon, then click "My Profile", you'll see the Notifications, Subscriptions, and Preferences. Click this and perhaps that will show your POTD preferences. I honestly don't know if it's working properly...the POTD. I get BP's weekly e-mail for POTDs in which they show 7 photos. I don't know if they are sending them out daily anymore.

You can also subscribe to the POTD from the POTD page:

I'm not aware of any 2 for 1 on the classic style. They ran a 2 for 1 on the websites. Now that BP has scaled back on the Classic options, hopefully they'll lower their price or offer the 2 for 1 more often.

Hope this helps.

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August 11, 2015

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