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Photography Question 

Lucila de Avila

Any tip on how to shoot in snow landscapes?

I am going with my family to Bariloche for a ski trip. Since I don't like to ski, I plan to enjoy the place and take pictures. I have a Nikon N80 and am not sure of how to take pictures of all the "white". I am afraid the photometer will not read the light correctly. Is there any filter or special film I should use?

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June 14, 2002


  Here is my suggestion: Instead of using the camera's matrix metering, I will use the spot meter (or partial meter) to lock on a tree trunk, or a wooden fence, or something close the "18% grey" color. If there is people around, I will use the same metering to lock on someone with a red or blue jacket. This will give you a good exposure values to start with. Then turn the camera to manual mode and use those exposure values and adjust them if you need to. Another suggeston is to bring a 18% grey card with you and point your camera at it to get the exposure values. I found this to be most useful for me because it is small and light. Just make sure all the subjects you use to get the exposure value has the same light source as the main subject.

Any film should do. A polarizer definitely will help make the picture looks better. Also you can add an 81A warming filter to warm up the scene a little (personal perference). Better yet, you can get both use those warming polarizer, which is quite expensive.

Hope this help and have a good trip.

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June 17, 2002


  Sorry there is a little typing error about the filter. "Better yet, you can get both polarizing and warming effect by using a warming polarizer, which is quite expensive."

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June 17, 2002


Lucila de Avila

Thank you very much! This kind of tip is exactly what I was looking for. As a Brazilian, you can imagine that snow is definitely not my speciality. I hope I come back with some pictures worth showing in my gallery.

Best regards


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June 18, 2002

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