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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Michael Collins

Photo Contest Winning

If one does not win on a contest should they enter the photos again in a new contest? Also, how I find out what is wrong with my photo?

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June 13, 2002


Piper Lehman
  Mike, just because you did not place or win does not mean there is anything "wrong" with your photo. If you're talking about the contest here, yes, I think you should keep entering your photo in the subsequent contests if you think you have a winner. I think it's important to study the winning shots and try to understand why they were chosen. And remember, this isn't an exact science. Although there are "rules" to making a photograph strong, sometimes the strongest images are ones that break the rules. You gotta know 'em to break 'em, though. Good luck in the next contest. If you have questions about a particular shot, post it here with your question.

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June 14, 2002


John A. Lind

I have entered juried (judged) photo shows that require large "gallery presentation prints." Some of them are not just for photography, but for all artwork (called "All Media"). In some of them, just getting a photograph hung on the gallery wall for the show that follows judging is an honor. Why? Less than 1/3 of the submissions are selected for exhibition. The number of submissions and "competition" can easily be that stiff.

Beyond obviously gross technical execution errors (bad exposure) or sloppy gallery presentation (mounting and framing), judging "art" is completely subjective. It's completely dependent on the judge(s) and how they view and interpret the "art." I have seen a "Best of Show" winner in one show not even receive so much as an "Honorable Mention" in another show two months later and 40 miles down the road in the next county. Why? Different judge(s) and stiff competition. When there are 100 or more truly superb photographs, pure chance begins to take over.

What makes a winner? In general, it's something very unique and very interesting that clearly stands out from all the rest, which are also excellent works, superbly executed, with flawless presentation. It attracts the attention of the judge(s) and holds it on the day and time the judging occurs. The same judge a month later may not even pick the same photographs.

More important than the subjective artistic opinions of judges and art critics is your own evaluation of your work:
(a) Did your technical execution create the image you had "visualized" in your mind? In other words, does the photograph look like what you intended it to?
(b) Does it clearly convey the message or "tell the story" about the subject material that you want it to?

If your own honest evaluation of your own work answers "yes" to both of these, you have a successful photograph.

-- John

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June 15, 2002


Laura J. Smith
  Dear John,
Can you recommend a source of this information you have? Some stuff to read? Thx much. Laura

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September 19, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  Hi Michael!For This Particular Contest Follow These Guidelines,
And These,
And Yet Another,
Study The Winning Images After Exploring These Links It Should Help You Alot;-)

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September 19, 2005

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