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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why do people in my photos look "fat"?

I use an APS camera and tend to take a lot of pics of people (weddings, parties, out at a bar etc...) The problem is that my subjects all complain that they end up looking several pounds heavier! Is this a problem particular to APS cameras or is there something I can do to set up the shot better? I wonder if taking pictures from an angle would help rather than front on, or from below(e.g. crouching down looking up at them?)? Help please as all I get is complaints now when I take my camera out!

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June 11, 2002


Jon Close
  Does the lens on your APS camera zoom to different focal lengths? It could be that you're tending to use the wide angle end of the zoom and getting too close to your subjects, which will tend to distort them and make them appear more round faced or "fat". If so, zoom the lens to the middle or long end and take a step or two back.

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June 11, 2002

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