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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How can a shoot a silhouette ?

I have seen a few silhouette shots, and would love to try one myself. I am very new at photograhpy so all info would be apreciated. I think I would like to try a silhouette where the person is black but in bright light maybe? Any and all ideas welcome = ) Thanks

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June 09, 2002


Piper Lehman
  Hi, Ashley. Silhouettes are pretty easy to do. The simplest way to get a silhouette is to shoot into the light and expose for the light, which you can do (depending on how far away you are) by metering the scene without the subject in the viewfinder. If the subject is going to be fairly small in your scene, you can simply use one of the auto or program modes on your camera.

Some of the nicest silhouettes, I think, are those taken against a sunset.

One suggestion--if you have more than one subject, try to "see" them as they will look in the finished image. This way you won't get the blending (I forget the official technical term) of two subjects but the distinction of two separate ones.

Another tip: the more extreme your light areas are from your dark areas, the darker your subject(s) will be against the light you've metered for. Just because you can see a bit of definition with your naked eye does not mean this will show up in your finished image. Experiment with different light and metering, and have fun! Don't forget to load your results here at BP! Would love to see what you come up with.

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June 09, 2002

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