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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Kelly Baker

My First PAID Shoot.....lots of questions....

Hi....I am "new" to making money with my camera! I am trying to start to start my own business doing Weddings, Reunions, Portraits, etc. I have made my own web site, brochures, business card, forms on MS word (saved on disc)-like model release, what kind of pictures they like sheet, working on contract, price sheet and order form and also labels for the back of photos with copywrite and my name and the roll and negative number. I hva e 2 big expandable type brief cases- 1 for forms and one for negatives/photos. I sent sent out a few brochures to area businesses and I may approach a few places with actual photos in frames. I have also tried unsuccessfully to be an area photograhy assistant-- no one is interested. I also have a Portfolio with about 12 pictures in it. I have a digital camera, as well as a Kodak Rebel 28-200mm and a Rebel with a 35-80mm. A cross and softening filter and a 2x teleconverter...(and of course a tripod!) (I am also going to purchase a flash that can be bounced and get some white foam board.) I have not done an official wedding-YET! How do I get my FIRST wedding.....and is there any other equipment I SHOULD have. I will more than likely use the T-Max Kodak 400. (Possibly 200 for outside) ....and I also like the Black and white I believe Portra T-MAX like 800 because of the grainyness!

A friend of mine works at a LARGE college and would like to contract me to do 2 classes of 26 that are graduating -not until September- (2)group shots and would need 30 photos--I assume 8x10's. I am getting more info this week. Any pricing help on something like this......and any " how to" have them stand. These are POLICE OFFICERS! I would probably do on the outside steps of the college....HELP!

Thanks...I know this was long!


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June 09, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  WHEW!!! I almost get the feeling you're putting the cart before the horse (based on your list of equipment anyway) but that may be better than feeling you have to wait until you have everything you need. Just be careful not to bite off more than you can chew.

If you don't mind not making a lot of money to start with you should be able to find weddings to do. Surprisingly, even though a wedding is a very important event, there are many people who don't want to spend a lot on getting it photographed properly. Those are the people who will hire you even without seeing a portfolio of pictures if your price is right. The trick is getting your name out there. Put fliers in wedding boutiques and florist shops. Get your name in the yellow pages.

As far as other equipment goes, a lot of that depends on your style. You should also read as many books on the different areas of photography you are interested in. They will give you good ideas as to what you need. Judging from your list of equipment, I would say you need better lenses and a more durable body (not to mention a backup - what happens if you show up for a wedding and your camera stops functioning?). You will probably find that at some point you will need more powerful studio lighting.

As far as pricing, starting out you will probably want to keep your pricing down to encourage a volume of business but don't underprice yourself either. My 8x10's range from $35 to $125 depending on the level of service and quality of the print.

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June 10, 2002


Kelly Baker
Boats awaiting a sailor.

Kelly Baker

Thanks Jeff for the response,

I have read EVERY book at the library (some new...some DATED!)

I also do a correspondence course.

The 2 cameras/lenses I have were gifts that were no longer needed and the digital was a birthday gift from my Dad last year. (To use on the Grand-kids!) Oh, as was the tripod a Christmas gift- from in-laws for my dh and I to use with our camcorder. I really only buy paper and film/developing...... so it has been a GOOD deal! (I also use my pictures on!!!)

Anyhow.....I have to look into a business license......

I also have a job interview this week for a big company (fingers crossed) I have to see if they have a non-compete clause there.

I just got my price sheet done as well as the order forms. (These are just saved on disc.)

I am also thinking of putting an ad in the paper; as I am new to this area and no longer have alot of personal contacts!

Kelly :)

PS- I love this site!

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June 10, 2002

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