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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What film for Zoom Camera

I have just started taking photographs using my 400si minolta camera using Kodak Gold200. But the results are below average.
I was wondering if I need to go for any SPECIFIC film for ZOOM camera's?
Please help.


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June 09, 2002


John C. Schwentner
  Hi, I Dont know the aperture range on your zoom, but typically zooms require more light the more you zoom. The 200 asa film is kind of for more daylight conditions, its just a tad slow. try faster film say 400 to start, this is an all around indoor and outdoor film, but does a little better in lower light. If you really want to get better exposure you can get 800 or even 1000 speed film and even higher, but these start to get grainy aftr about 800.(assuming you meant your exposures are too dark and blurred?)

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June 17, 2005

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