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BetterPhoto Member

CX126 Film

Where can I get Kodacolor-X C-22 CX-126 Film Developed. Kodak quit doing it Feb. 2002

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April 12, 2002


John A. Lind
I thought Kodak ceased doing it some time ago. However you are perhaps still fortunate they did stop. Kodak would probably have run your very old film through their high speed machines. Very old film tends to be curled and possibly embrittled some. It would bind up, crack and tear more easily than new film.

Contact Rocky Mountain Film Lab in Aurora, Colorado. They have old machines and processing chemistries for handling films like yours, and they specialize in processing old films like yours with the special handling required to reduce risk of damage in processing it, including C-22 Kodacolor-X. Their web site is here:

You will pay a premium for having it processed, and the the turnaround time is measured in weeks. See their site for details. I've never used them, but have seen their name mentioned as *the* lab in the U.S. for old film processes.

-- John

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April 14, 2002

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