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Over Did It Editor's Pick  
Over Did It
Over Did It
Low Key photography is one of my favorite challenges! Using a selective amount of light sets the mood for the viewer. While high-key images sets a more uplifting scene, low-key lighting can set a more somber mood. In this case my boy 'Poley' (Napoleon) pulled a muscle from playing too vigorously at frisbee. He doesn't want to move. I used the sunset light from the window & the lamp above & lowered my exposure compensation to highlight his left side. I liked how his fur looked so smooth under this light. Settings: F5.6 .30 iso 100 @35mm exp com -2.33

Sara B Coffey - Terry Korpela

Contact Terry Korpela
Terry Korpela's Gallery

Nicely Done Sara!

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June 04, 2023

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