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The Novice Photo Contest Finalist   Boring for Queue
Boring for Queue
The main difference between a novice and a monk is that novices only have 10 precepts while monks have 227. If you are a male and are less than twenty years of age, then you cannot become a fully fledged monk. However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that only boys can ordain as novices. Everyone first ordains as a novice. And some adults may remain as novices. I took this picture at ArNanDar Pagoda festival, which can see thousand of monks and novices at full moon day of main festival events. I saw the novice get boring in the long queue and holding his token for waiting his turn. I'm using the Canon 5d III with kit lens 24-105f4 is lens.

Win Htut Aung

- Gail Sullivan

BetterPhoto Member
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Wonderful image!

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May 24, 2020

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