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Category: Where Was This Made?

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Elaine Hessler

  Rocky River Metroparks
Rocky River Metroparks

Elaine Hessler


Elaine Hessler

Not sure if I like this one, but I thought this guy had some character. My other photo is not for critique, but I wanted to show you how pretty it can be in Cleveland too!

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October 18, 2012

- Michael Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly's Gallery
  It is indeed pretty in Cleveland.

I think your capture works pretty well because of the comp and the pose. Nice detail and tones. The major disappointment is that with the cap and strong shadow you can not see his eyes. I always think that having the eyes in a shot of people or animals is a very important if not the most important element.

I would like to see if the more people oriented shooters agree or not, because I am not absolutely sure of myself here.

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October 18, 2012


Dale Hardin
  This is the kind of shot that could have used a bit of fill flash. The shadows are almost too harsh even for Photoshop to deal with, unless it is in raw and then you could correct it.

Most people forget how much flash would help on very bright days because they think there is so much light that it's not needed. Even the on board flash would have done wonders here.

Since, as Michael noted, the eyes are not very evident at this angle, I wouldn't even bother messing with corrections in post processing.

And Cleveland is indeed beautiful.

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October 18, 2012


Debbie E. Payne
  Yep Elaine - Cleveland is beautiful. I have gone to visit my daughter two autumns in a row before this one and I can attest that Cleveland has much to offer, photographically speaking, when it comes to autumn color. You don't have to go too far before you are in the rural areas and there is much to see in places like Holden Arboreteum, Chagrin Falls and of course Cuyahoga (did I spell that right_National Park. I missed going this fall but will hopefully see you next fall.

Most people I take pictures of out in nature are grab shots and they either blur or have shadows on them because to take care of that properly would require them to know you were there since you'd be coming up to them with your fill flash and perhaps a big diffuser. I probably would have just pulled back so that there would be more of a story with him in the expanse of nature itself. When I come to Cleveland we can pretend to be strangers and take pictures of each other.

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October 18, 2012


Stephen Shoff
  These guys with weathered faces and full white beards do make for interesting street photography. As Mike mentioned, there are parts of this that came out really well. I like the tones and textures in the face and hair. You caught him in a very appropriate setting and stance.

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October 18, 2012


Jeff E Jensen
  I'm kinda liking this the way it is. Yes, it would be better to see his eyes but I think it works as is. Makes me wonder what he's looking at.

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October 19, 2012


Elaine Hessler
  He was just hangin' out having a smoke looking in the distance in the metro parks. I know I should have asked his permission to take his photo, but I just couldn't. Not very ethical, but I know this is something I need to work on....

I did try to play with the levels, but the whites got blown out. I do kinda like the mystery of his face, but wish I had used a different lens so I could have zoomed in more and blurred the background.

Its just okay, but wanted to give the B/W another try. I have a much better photo from this day that I can't wait to post:)

P.S. The trees picture doesn't even do our parks justice.... And Debbie-that sounds like fun:)

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October 19, 2012


Aimee C. Eisaman
  Oooo the colors there are gorgeous! :~)

As for the BW post I actually like that you cannot see his eyes. It adds a sense of mystery to the image and as someone else said makes you wonder what he was thinking about. The white cap is great and adds to the contrast with the shadow over his face. Had the cap been dark I don't think it would have worked as well. :~)

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October 20, 2012 - Susan M. Reynolds

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan M. Reynolds
Susan M. Reynolds's Gallery
  I think the B&W works well here too and am in agreement with both Mike as well as Jeff & Aimee.
Usually portraits of people do indeed need for the eyes to be the focal point, but in this case, as mentioned above, the shading of the eyes leaves the viewer with a sense of wonder and a bit of mystery as to what has captured his attention.
I like the detail you captured and agree with you that having the background more blurred would have drawn more attention to your subject. I have forgotten myself how to get the blurred background correctly, so I looked it up and here is a link that may be helpful to some...I know it was a good refresher for me.

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October 20, 2012


Teresa H. Hunt
  Great shot! I actually like that his eyes are in shadow, that adds to the mystery of the photo. Not only do I wonder who he his, what kind of life he's lived . . . but I'm also wondering where he's looking and what he's thinking. :)

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October 21, 2012


lisa anderson
  I'm a little torn about this one too. I think the man looks really interesting, and the fact that you have him out in nature and not in a city is also interesting, but there's something that feels a little flat to me in this shot. I'm not sure what, though. I think maybe pulling back on him would've worked a bit better.

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October 21, 2012

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  I in the vote that this one is working for me as is. the shadow under his hat is doing just what it is suppose to be doing...LOL and I like that he is out in nature instead of the city for a change. great shot

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October 22, 2012

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