
Uploaded: June 11, 2004 07:12:47


Paul C. Gazzanigo June 11, 2004

Very cool shot, William ... very exotic looking! #136979

Peggy Wolff June 11, 2004

WOW!!!! This is absolutly gorgous! The detail is amazing, every thing about it is perfect! #588724

Robin L. Wehrman June 11, 2004

WOW! this is beautiful excellent detail, perfect William!!!!! #589062

Carolina K. Smith June 11, 2004

This is great. The lotus is such an interesting flower and you've brought out the interesting shapes with the monochromatic treatment. :) #589115

Deborah Sandidge June 11, 2004

Fascinating shapes and textures, beautiful and unique image! #589517

Judith G. Secco July 17, 2004

Wonderful image. Congratulations.
Judy #652160

Michael Brown July 17, 2004

Excellent comp, ........... and really love the details and lighting!
Congrats!! #653166

Peggy Wolff July 17, 2004

Congratulations this was one of my favorite pictures for the month! #653588

Leonard Pierce July 17, 2004

Congratulations William!!! #654591

zcaley July 17, 2004

Really striking and well done! Congrats and good luck! #654659

Ellen L. Zaslaw July 17, 2004

Magical ! Congratulations !! #654705

David and Carol Kelly July 17, 2004

Congratulations, William. Great shot. #654967

Deborah Sandidge July 17, 2004

Congratulations! #654985

Nancy Grace Chen July 17, 2004

Glad to see one of your lotus shots here, William... love this. So many textures that I've never seen... hope to see this go on to the next round. Congrats!!

Nancy #655298

Patricia A. Kuniega July 19, 2004

Spectacular William! You succeeded in capturing its unique and somewha surreal qualitites. It looks like flora from another planet! Congratulations on this fabulous image! #657223

Kristen McKain July 19, 2004

Congrats!! #657697

Robin L. Wehrman July 19, 2004

Congratulations on your win William! well deserved!!!!!!! #657803

Kelly Abernathy level-classic July 19, 2004

Congrats on your win! -K #658036

Lori Ditlefsen July 19, 2004

Congrats on the win! #658187

Deborah Sandidge July 19, 2004

Congratulations, William!! #658251

zcaley July 19, 2004

Yee haaa! Big congrats William! Beautiful and well deserved! #659250

Nancy Grace Chen July 19, 2004

I love this photo, and I'm so glad to see it as a winner. Big congratulations, William!!

Nancy #659411

Anne Davis July 20, 2004

William, this is absolutely stunning. I love your work, but this photo has a softness about it not always apparent in your photography. Congratulations on some beautiful work. #659689

William T July 20, 2004

Thank you all for the encouraging comments. I have submitted this photo to other sites and received many compliments as well but was disqualified for contest because I lost its original. This photo was a color shot and applied some PS effects. I am happy the way it turned out to be a rather unique looking flower. Please remember to make backups of your original copy of your photo shots. Good luck to you all.

William #661389

Joy Rector July 20, 2004

This is gorgeous!! I missed it earlier. Do you mind my asking which PS effects you used? #661419

Roseann E. Dreasher July 22, 2004

FABULOUS image!! #664628

Carolina K. Smith July 25, 2004

This was stunning the first time I saw it, and is no less now.
Congratulations on your win! #669154

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe May 27, 2007

Spectacular! Congratulations on your win, William!
KK #4335142

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