Slave to the Light

© Brian D. Watters

Slave to the Light

Uploaded: December 08, 2012 10:54:57


For this image, I used a portable photocell sensitive wide angle flash unit I had just received in the mail. Popped a couple batteries into it and set my tripod up in my living room. I then moved across the room, and set the camera to manual focus. I dropped a penny on the floor to mark my position, then focused the camera on the tripod head, mounted the camera on tripod, then use a 10 second timer to return to where I dropped the penny. I just had enough time to turn the portable flash unit on and strike this random post when the cameras shutter released, and the camera mounted flash activated the one in my hand, creating the dramatic shadows pictured here.
Transferring the resulting image to Photoshop, I carefully created a layer mask, and replaced the background with a series of created clouds with a variety of layer density and opacity effects. Then I added a shimmering glow ring around the already brilliant remote flash unit.

Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/250 seconds, Flash: fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected, ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: NIKON D3S


Peggy Pfister level-classic January 23, 2013

Very creative! Congrats on your finalist! #1510712

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic January 23, 2013

Cool and effective, Brian. CONGRATZ!

UB. #10531377

Kathryn Wesserling January 24, 2013

Way cool as usual, Brian! Good "lesson" too. Congratulations and Good Luck for the next round. #10531707

Irene Colling level-classic January 30, 2013

Creative idea Brian.

Congratulaions on your finalist. #10546416

Merna L. Nobile February 02, 2013

Are you amazed at the vivid colors, sharpness and composition of your photographs? Well the judges are, CONGRATULATIONS you are a winner for the month of December, 2012!

JO ANN CLEVELAND August 02, 2013

Congratulations on your fantastic 2nd Place Winner Brian! I must say that is unique!

jo ann c. #10793951

Phyllis H. Burchett August 04, 2013

Fantastic work Brian, congrats! #10795641

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