Top 10 Reasons You Should Enroll in a BetterPhoto Online Course

1 We were the first; we remain the best.

2 Inspiring, in-plain-English lessons make it super easy to understand technical topics such as exposure settings and post-processing techniques.

3 It's convenient and cost-effective - you don't have to go anywhere.

4 "Camera-raderie" - You make life-long friends with people from around the world who share your love of photography.

5 It's motivating! Photo assignments keep you on track and inspired to go out shooting.

6 It's the most effective way to learn (and remember) how to create outstanding photos! By doing the assignments, you really get to understand the art and science of photography.

7 You don't have to be at your computer at any particular time... You improve according to YOUR schedule.

8 We have a high Returning Student Rate - because we deliver on our promises... and then some!

9 With many classes to choose from, we have something for everyone.

10 When your new understanding at hand, YOU can go on to:

  • win photo contests,
  • get major "Ohhhh"s and "Ahhhh"s from your friends and family,
  • and have EVEN MORE fun out in the field,

Need to hear more?

Get lots of bonus reasons... in our customers own words in the testimonials section for this course or our new Nature and Landscape Photography course.

Ready to learn photography and rediscover your creative side?

Start Here: Find out what course is best for you!To start your journey, visit the main Photography Courses page and select your favorite photography class.